Yara Gambirasio: il film su arriva su Netflix

Il film Yara diretto da Marco Tullio Giordana sarà disponibile prima nelle sale cinematografiche e poi su Netflix. Ecco i dettagli su trama e data d’uscita

L’omicidio di Yara Gambirasio diventa un film per il cinema e la TV diretto da Marco Tullio Giordana, iconico regista italiano che ha già lavorato a tante importanti pellicole, tra cui I cento passi e La meglio gioventù. Il contenuto è prodotto da Taodue in collaborazione con RTI.

Il film intitolato Yara è incentrato su uno dei più famosi casi di cronaca nera del nostro Paese. Yara Gambirasio è una tredicenne della provincia di Bergamo che scompare e viene ritrovata senza vita tre mesi dopo le drammatiche ricerche. La trama è stata curata nei particolari, si concentra anche sull’aspetto investigativo, per esempio ai tempi vennero fatte delle analisi del DNA sulla popolazione che rappresentano la più ampia indagine genetica mai eseguita in Italia. After long researches Massimo Bossetti was finally convicted. The cast will be completely Italian and there will also be some well-known actors, including Alessio Boni. The film will have, therefore, a national interest and will be distributed first in cinemas and then in streaming on Netflix.

Yara Gambirasio plot and cast: what is the film about

Yara Gambirasio was a 13 years old girl who led her life, between school and sport, in particular she loved rhythmic gymnastics. She lived in the quiet town of Brembate di Sopra, in the province of Bergamo. On November 26, 2010, just as she was returning from one of her rhythmic gymnastics lessons, she suddenly disappeared. Her lifeless body is found three months later in an abandoned field outside the city. The film is a mix of emotions, able to tell both the investigative aspect and the life of the Gambirasio family, devastated by the drama.

At the center of the film there is Letizia Ruggeri (played by Isabella Ragonese) the PM in charge of finding and arresting the culprit of the murder of Yara Gambirasio, who immediately shows to feel deeply about the case, also because at the time of the facts she had a small daughter. In this undertaking she will be helped by the Colonel of the Carabinieri (Alessio Boni), the Marshal (Thomas Trabacchi) and the investigative team.

In the film we will also see Yara's parents, played by Sandra Toffolatti and Mario Pirrello. Chiara Bono will play the role of Yara, while Roberto Zibetti will play the role of Massimo Bossetti, the man who was arrested and found guilty of the crime.

When the movie Yara

The subject is signed by Pietro Valsecchi and scripted by Graziano Diana. Netflix has also focused heavily on content. The direction is entrusted to one of the most popular Italian directors, Marco Tullio Giordana, who has already been involved in telling Italian news events, such as the attack on Piazza Fontana narrated in Romanzo di una strage and the murder of Pier Paolo Pasolini in Pasolini - Un Delitto Italiano.

The film Yara will be available first at the cinema, from October 18 to 20. On November 5, it will arrive on Netflix.