Zombies, T-Rex and fairies, 69 new official emoji arrive

Version 10 of the new Unicode standard also includes the bitcoins emoticon. The new symbols will be available soon

Emoji lovers rejoice. Unicode, the international consortium for encoding emoticons, has just announced new meji that will debut very soon. One of them will allow users of any device and platform to use new emoji.

Unicode, with the launch of version 10, has added exactly 69 smilies. It's actually a lot more, if you consider that there will be different versions for some of them based on skin color. Among the new characters, which will be available as soon as the main companies update their operating systems and devices, there are those dedicated to animals, such as the T-Rex dinosaur emoji, to the elderly and to adults. Il nuovo standard Unicode consentirà anche di sviluppare emoji di zombie, maghi, fatine e vampiri. E non è tutto. Ci saranno nuove faccine con cui esprimere sorpresa o rabbia.

Ci sarà la B dei bitcoins

emoji.jpgFonte foto: Emojipedia

Le nuove faccine create da Unicode

Interessante anche l’emoji che rappresenta l’allattamento femminile, quella con il foulard, simbolo religioso per alcune persone, così come ci sarà un’emoji che raffigura la posizione di preghiera dell’Islam. Nella versione 10 Unicode ci sarà spazio anche per il linguaggio dei segni. In perfetta sintonia con i tempi in cui viviamo, Unicode ha anche inserito il carattere con cui si potrà creare il simbolo dei bitcoin, ossia della famosa moneta virtuale. And for people who want to express disgust, the international coding consortium has launched the face that vomits with its mouth open.

To be able to communicate with the new symbols, available as seen on any device or application, we will have to wait for companies to update their products to version 10 of Unicode.