Fifa 20 accused of being gambling: what changes

Two French lawyers have denounced Electronic Arts accusing it of having created a video game that incites to bet money, like in a casino Would you spend 600 euros in FIFA 20 FUT packages, to have in exchange a team in which the best player is Kostas Manolas of Napoli (who, in real soccer, this … Read more

Quando cambiare gli pneumatici?

PROMO L’usura delle gomme è tra i principali responsabili di incidenti stradali. Ecco quando bisogna cambiare pneumatici e dove acquistarli Se c’è un aspetto critico della manutenzione dell’auto che non andrebbe mai sottovalutato, questo è certamente l’usura degli pneumatici. Pensiamoci bene: a tenerci sulla strada ci sono oggi decine di sistemi elettronici, che ci assistono … Read more

The Game Boy gang: a few seconds to steal cars

In the UK, a gang of thieves was able to steal cars with extreme ease, exploiting the vulnerabilities of the “keyless” system: all they needed was a (fake) Game Boy Many of those who, in the 90s, had or dreamed of a Nintendo Game Boy are now in their 40s and dream of, or have, … Read more

What to do to solve status_access_violation

One of the error messages that occurs when surfing the Internet, usually with Google Chrome is “status_access_violation”: here’s what it means and how to solve it Those who surf the web know that the Internet certainly does not lack forums where users can turn to solve this or that problem. Among the most anomalous ones, … Read more