Computer security, flaws discovered in WD hard drives

According to some experts, hackers would be able to breach devices and execute some files directly from the web interface

A new danger threatens the data of millions of users. According to reports by computer security experts, some of the hard drives manufactured by the well-known company Western Digital are vulnerable to hacker attacks.

The flaws, discovered by researchers at, would allow cyber criminals to bypass the protection system of the storage devices and remotely access the data contained inside. The ones under indictment, according to those at, are My Cloud hard drives, WD's storage drives for cloud computing. By exploiting a series of vulnerabilities, hackers would be able to breach the devices and execute some files directly from the web interface. Also referring to the demonstration, some bugs would have been created by an update released by WD for the hard drives' log-in system.

How the flaws discovered in Western Digital hard drives work

The update, with which the company hoped to fix a vulnerability just in the access of the storage devices, has instead introduced others. In particular, a flaw was found in the code string that allows users to authenticate through cookies. According to the investigation, by using the bug, hackers could bypass the log-in, thus being able to penetrate users' hard drives. With the decision to release the results, as stated in the note published on its website, hopes to draw Western Digital's attention to a very important problem, that of cybersecurity. Nell’attesa che le falle vengano corrette, gli esperti consigliano di disattivare negli hard disk “incriminati” l’accesso online.

Come proteggersi

La sicurezza informatica, dunque, viene presa di mira ancora una volta dai pirati informatici. Nel 2017, secondo alcune previsioni, il numero degli attacchi sarà destinato a crescere ancora. Nessun dispositivo connesso è al riparo dai cyber criminali, abili sempre di più a sfruttare le varie falle e le ingenuità che noi utenti spesso commettiamo. Se volete un consiglio, prestate particolare attenzione ai vostri dati. E credeteci, basta davvero poco. Ricordatevi, ad esempio, di cambiare spesso le vostre password e di non utilizzare un’unica chiave di accesso per più dispositivi o account. Non cliccate su link sconosciuti e assicuratevi di aver installato un buon antivirus.

Come difendersi dagli attacchi hacker

hacker-4.jpgFonte foto: Shutterstock

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