Digitale Terrestre: il MUX Mediaset 1 cambia frequenza in 8 province italiane a causa del 5G a Malta: ecco come continuare a vedere i programmi.
Giuseppe Croce Giornalista
Peppe Croce, giornalista dal 2008, si occupa di device elettronici e nuove tecnologie applicate al mondo automotive. È entrato in Libero Tecnologia nel 2018.
Gli italiani sono ormai abituati a dover risintonizzare la TV o il decoder del Digitale Terrestre: da diversi mesi, infatti, è in atto un vero e proprio balletto delle frequenze, come previsto dalla roadmap del Ministero dello Sviluppo economico per il passaggio dall’attuale standard DVB-T1 al prossimo DVB-T2.
The last few months have been characterized above all by changes to the frequencies of local TVs in various regions throughout Italy and there have also been shutdowns of entire MUXes, through the so-called "scrapping" of multiplexes. Now, however, the shift concerns a national MUX: Mediaset 1, which broadcasts the channels TV8 (LCN 8), Cielo (LCN 26), Sky TG24 (LCN 50), Sky Atlantic (LCN 456), FOX (LCN 457), Premium Crime (LCN 460), Premium Stories (LCN 462), Premium Cinema 3 (LCN 465), Sky Sport SErie A HD (LCN 473), TV8 On Demand (LCN 808), TV8 News On Demand (LCN 908). The change of frequency will be made between June 1 and June 30, affects only some provinces and is necessary to allow the development of the 5G network in Malta.
Change of Mediaset 1 frequencies: where and why
The provinces affected by the shift of the entire MUX Mediaset 1 are those of Trapani, Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Ragusa, Siracusa, Enna, Catania and part of the province of Reggio Calabria. In these provinces, in the period 1-30 June, the UHF frequencies 50, 51, 52 and 53 will be deactivated. On UHF 52 the Mediaset 1 MUX transmits, while on the others there are local broadcasters (some of them have already disappeared or moved because their MUXes have been scrapped). The MUX Mediaset 1 will be moved to the UHF 58 frequency.
The reason for the shutdown of these frequencies is the development of the 5G telephone network in Malta (where the same frequencies are being decommissioned). As it is known, in fact, the new frequencies assigned to 5G are in part the same as those occupied by television broadcasts of the current Digital Terrestrial.
With the transition to the new MPEG-4 codec (and, from next year, to H.265), however, each single frequency can accommodate multiple broadcasters and this allows to concentrate transmissions on fewer frequencies and free those assigned to 5G. It has already happened in Italy and is also happening in Malta, which is just a few hundred kilometers from the southern coast of Sicily and risks suffering from heavy interference if UHF frequencies 50, 51, 52 and 53 are not switched off in Sicily.
MUX Mediaset 1 frequency change: what to do
Unfortunately, the inconvenience for viewers resulting from this frequency shift will be minimal. Gradually users will no longer see the channels of MUX Mediaset 1 and that will be the signal that the repeater from which they received the channels has been moved to UHF 58.
At this point it will be sufficient to retune the decoder to return to see the same TV channels, at the same LCN numbers.