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Excel: Calculate average - this is how it works

If you want to maintain data records in Excel, you also have numerous functions to choose from. For example, you can create drop-down lists, add or subtract the contents of columns, or create charts. You can also calculate and display the average of selected cell contents.

How to calculate average in Excel

When you create a spreadsheet in Excel, you don't have to do the calculations for the contents manually. For this purpose, the application offers you numerous built-in functions. The advantage of using these functions is that the result is automatically adjusted when you edit values in the table. So it is also the case with the calculation of the average.
  1. First select a cell in which the result of the calculation should be entered.
  2. Then enter "=AVERAGE()". Within the brackets, you must now enter the range from which the average is to be calculated.
  3. To do this, place the cursor behind the open bracket and click the mouse on the first cell. Geben Sie anschießend ein „:“ ein.
  4. Danach klicken Sie mit der Maus auf die letzte Zelle der Spalte oder Zeile der Werte. Anschließend betätigen Sie die „Enter-Taste“, um den Durchschnitt berechnen zu lassen. Wahlweise können Sie die Zellen auch einzeln eingeben und mit einem Semikolon trennen. Auch das Eintragen von Werten ist möglich.

By Towbin Vanderbie

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