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Windows 8.1: WLAN problems - what you can do

After you have installed the Windows 8.1 update, you may experience WLAN problems. Different causes can be responsible for this. To fix the error, you need to check the FIPS compatibility and update the drivers. If there is a larger problem, it may be necessary to intervene in the registry.

What you can do about WLAN problems in Windows 8.1

After updating to Windows 8.1, you may experience problems with your WLAN. To lift them, you have different options.
  1. Open the "Network and Sharing Center" via the Control Panel.
  2. Select your WLAN and then click "Wireless Properties".
  3. Next, go to "Security" > "Advanced Settings".
  4. Here, uncheck the "FIPS Compatibility" option.
  5. Restart your computer.
  6. Once the PC has restarted, open Device Manager and click "Network Adapters".
  7. Look for the entry at "wireless".
  8. Then go to the appropriate manufacturer page and download the appropriate driver.
  9. Now right-click on the network adapter.
  10. Wählen Sie die Optionen „Treiber aktualisieren“ > „Auf dem Computer nach Treibersoftware suchen“ aus.
  11. Sobald Sie den zuvor heruntergeladenen Treiber installiert haben, starten Sie Ihren Computer neu.
Wurde das Problem dennoch nicht behoben, kann dies an einem eingeschränkten Zugriff liegen. Hierfür ist es notwendig, das Internetprotokoll IP/TCP über die Registry zurückzusetzen.

By Tatianas Infantolino

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