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iPhone 7 Reset: Factory settings

If your iPhone 7 is giving you problems or the memory is full, it may be worth doing a reset. A soft reset does not delete any data. It clears the entire memory to fix any errors. With a hard reset, however, all data is deleted from the phone.

How to reset iPhone 7?

If your iPhone 7 has only hung up and has no other problems, a soft reset is perfectly sufficient.
  1. Press the smartphone's Power button and Quiet button at the same time and hold them down until the screen turns black and the Apple logo is displayed. This process will wipe the entire RAM and all temporary data. The error should now usually be resolved.
  2. If your phone is more often prone to problems and errors, it is best to do a hard reset, because here all data will be deleted from your cell phone.
  3. For a hard reset, simply open the settings and go there to the category "General". Ganz unten finden Sie den Punkt „Zurücksetzen“.
  4. Wählen Sie die Option „Alle Inhalten & Einstellungen löschen“ und bestätigen Sie den Vorgang.
  5. Nun werden alle Daten von Ihrem Mobiltelefon gelöscht. Dieser Vorgang kann ein wenig Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.
  6. Anschließend können Sie Ihr Mobiltelefon wieder neu einrichten, und alle Fehler sollten behoben worden sein.

By Halverson Lipton

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