Test Zattoo for free - this is how it's possible
A free trial period is now common for streaming services. This extends as good as always over 30 days. With Zattoo, too, you get one month to test the subscription for free - regardless of whether it is Premium or Ultimate. As a new customer, you automatically receive the trial period.
You can test Zattoo for free for either 30 or even 90 days.
How to test Zattoo for one month for free
The prerequisite for a free trial subscription to Zattoo is that you have not previously used this trial subscription. The trial period is therefore primarily aimed at new customers who have not yet tried the subscription model.- Go to the app or website of Zattoo.
- Already on the home page, they see the button "30 days free".
- Click on it, you will be directed to an overview page.
- Here you can now choose between Premium and Ultimate. Alternatively, select Zattoo Free. However, since this model is always free, there is no special trial period for this.
- If you select Premium, you will be charged 9.99 euros per month after the free trial period. Beim Ultimate-Modell betragen die Kosten 13,99 Euro.
- Folgen Sie nun den weiteren Anweisungen, um sich bei Zattoo anzumelden und den Testzeitraum zu starten.
- Das Abo geht nach den 30 Tagen automatisch in das kostenpflichtige Modell über, wenn Sie nicht rechtzeitig kündigen. Dies können Sie direkt online über Ihre Account-Seite durchführen. Alternativ wechseln Sie zu Zattoo Free.