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Test readly for free: How to read for two weeks for free

Readly has made a name for itself, and thanks to its free trial period, it makes for an enticing start. Our guide shows how to start the trial period and what it includes.

With Readly, you get to look around for two weeks for free - to the fullest extent.

Reading flat rates are in vogue, and that doesn't just apply to novels and nonfiction. Magazines are more popular than ever and Readly is taking advantage of this.

How to try Readly for free

To start the trial period, you first need to create a free account:
  1. To do so, follow this link and log in with Facebook or create a Readly account.
The trial period lasts two weeks. During this time, you can take full advantage of all the content and features of the flat rate, just as if you were already a paid subscriber. This means that you can now access more than 4,000 magazines, create five profiles for the family and, thanks to the offline function, you do not need a continuous Internet connection.If you do not decide to subscribe afterwards, it is sufficient to cancel during the trial period. In this way, there are no costs and you lose access to the content at the end of the period.

By Nachison

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