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Using SSH tunnels - here's how to do it

Using an SSH tunnel, you can still retrieve content that is blocked on your network and thus visit blocked Internet addresses, for example. SSD stands for Secure Shell and establishes an encrypted connection to a remote computer, which in turn connects to the site and redirects to you.

Using SSH tunnel - this is how to do it on Windows

To use an SSH tunnel on Windows, you can either work with the terminal or use the PuTTY program.
  1. Once you have installed the software, start the program.
  2. In the start window, under "Host Name", enter the IP address of the SSH server you want to connect to.
  3. Now switch to the area "Connection/SSH/Tunnels" and enter there as "Source Port" the port "9000" or you use a corresponding shared port.
  4. As "Destination" you can additionally specify the NAS web interface, if you want to connect to the NAS of a Kodi computer.
  5. Finally click on "Open" to establish a connection and enter in the browser the IP address to which you want to connect.

So klappt es mit dem Terminal

  1. Alternativ können Sie auch direkt in das Terminal von Windows wechseln und über den Befehl „ssh“ arbeiten.
  2. Der Befehl wird üblicherweise durch eine IP-Adresse, eine Domain oder eine Verbindung ergänzt.
  3. Sollten Sie beispielsweise auf Ihren Raspberry Pi verbinden wollen, nutzen Sie den Befehl „ssh pi@raspberrypi“, wobei „pi“ durch Ihren Benutzernamen ausgetauscht wird.

By Priest Shushma

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