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MacBook hangs when booting - what you can do

It can happen that the MacBook hangs when booting. In most cases, the device does not load when booting because of a software error. If this is also the case with you, then the cause can only be found out by checking various error sources.

What you can do if MacBook hangs on startup

If your MacBook hangs on the loading screen when you start the device, this can have various causes. However, before you take the device to a professional for repair, there are ways to fix the error.
  1. Most often, the problem lies with the parameter RAM. This can be reset on your MacBook quite easily with a key combination. Note, however, that this will also reset settings for screen resolution, volume and your time zone.
  2. Turn off the device completely. When you restart the Mac, you need to hold down the "CMD" + "ALT" + "P" + "R" keys at the same time. Do this until the MacBook starts a second time.
  3. If this has not helped, the error may also be due to external devices. Stecken Sie deshalb alles aus, was an den Laptop angeschlossen ist und starten Sie ihn neu.
  4. Hängt das MacBook dennoch beim Starten, drücken Sie beim Hochfahren die Tastenkombination „CMD“ + „R“, um diesen im Recovery-Modus zu starten.
  5. Hat das geklappt, öffnen Sie das „Festplattendienstprogramm“ und wählen Sie Ihre „Boot-Festplatte“ aus.
  6. Tippen Sie anschließend auf „Volume überprüfen“. Werden Fehler gefunden, können diese über „Volume reparieren“ behoben werden.

By Kimball

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