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NBA 2K20: What are the editions? The overview

Various editions have long become standard when releasing games. NBA 2K20 is going the same way and that also affects one of the most important points, which is the in-game currency called VC.

The three editions of NBA 2K20 differ greatly in the additional content.

NBA 2K20 relies heavily on real-money purchases. The three editions affect how much extra you have to invest.

NBA 2K20: Three editions, three price ranges

NBA 2K20 exists in three editions:
  • The Standard Edition includes 5,000 VC, 5,000 MeinTEAM points, 5 MyCareer Skill Boosts, 5 Heat Check Packs and 10 MeinTEAM Packs.
  • The Digital Deluxe Edition gets you 35,000 VC, 10.000 MeinTEAM points, 10 MyCareer Skill Boosts, 5 Heat Check Packs, 10 MeinTEAM Packs and a Sapphire MeinTEAM Cover Athlete Card.
  • In the Legend Edition you get 100,000 VC, 50.000 MeinTEAM points, 20 MyCareer Skill Boosts, 20 Heat Check Packs, 20 MeinTEAM League Packs, two Sapphire MeinTEAM Cover Athlete Cards, 5 MeinTEAM Theme Packs, and a shoe and clothing collection for MeinSPIELER.
Which edition is worth it for you depends on how many VC you plan to buy. Erfahrene Spieler können das besser abschätzen; Neueinsteiger sind vermutlich besser mit der günstigsten Edition (Standard Edition) beraten.

By Eldoria Kalloch

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