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COMPUTER BILD: What is the VIP CLUB? We explain

Subscribers are very special people for any magazine. It's no different at COMPUTER BILD, and that's why the VIP CLUB was created. Read what it's all about.

Bonus for subscribers: COMPUTER BILD's VIP CLUB offers various benefits.

The name COMPUTER BILD not only stands for the magazine of the same name, but also includes a whole family of trade magazines, for example COMPUTER BILD games.

COMPUTER BILD: VIP CLUB offers subscribers many features

It is enough to be a subscriber to one of these magazines to gain access to the VIP CLUB.
  • To do this, you need to register once with your subscription customer number.
  • The benefits include promotions such as an editorial visit, competitions for hot technology products and advantage offers.
  • You have access to the VIP CLUB for the entire duration of your subscription.
You can find an overview of the experiences that members have been able to experience in recent years here

By Gal

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