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Surface Pro: 6 Pen pairing - how to use the pen

With the Surface Pen you can draw, write and operate the entire device directly on the Surface Pro 6. The pen has a right-click button for this and an eraser that you can use to erase. But first of all, you need to connect the pen to the tablet.

How do you connect the Surface Pen to the Surface Pro 6?

To connect the Pen to your tablet, you first need to enable Bluetooth on your device.
  1. Open the Action Center by pressing the small text window at the bottom right of the status bar.
  2. Now a new bar should slide into the screen from the right. In this you will find the quick settings at the bottom. Click, here if possible, on "Expand". If you only have "Reduce", you can skip this step.
  3. Now click on the tile that says "Bluetooth". With this you switch to the Bluetooth settings.
  4. If the slider is on "On", everything is set correctly. If it does not, you need to turn the controller on.
  5. Now hold down the Eraser button on the pen. This will put the pen into connection mode. Ist dieser erreicht, leuchtet die kleine LED-Lampe weiß.
  6. Nun können Sie in der Liste der Bluetooth-Geräte auf Ihrem Surface Pro 6 den Surface Pen auswählen und die Verbindung mit „Koppeln“ bestätigen.

By Shepard

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