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Turning on the PS4: how to get it done

Before you start playing, you need to turn on the PS4 - but where does the on/off switch on the pretty console hide? Only with the right button does the PlayStation come to life and bring a picture to your TV.

How to turn on PS4

Turning on PS4 is easy if you know where the right button is. This is because when the console is plugged in, it boots up after a single button press and is ready to use.
  • The PlayStation 4's power button is a narrow, long button located front and center on the console. Like most other buttons for switching on and off, it is also marked with a circle, which is broken by a line at the top.
  • On the PS4 Pro, the power button is located at the bottom left of the console.
  • Just press the button once briefly to turn on the PS4.
  • Do you already have a controller connected to your PS4? Then you do not necessarily have to run to the console, but can simply press the PS4 button at the bottom center on the controller. This also allows you to turn on the PlayStation.
  • While the PS4 boots up, the power LED flashes blue. Danach leuchtet die LED durchgehend weiß.
Sobald die PS4 hochgefahren ist und Sie das Bild auf Ihrem Fernseher sehen, können Sie ein Spiel einlegen und zocken oder Sie verbinden die PSF mit dem WLAN und laden sich Spiele herunter.

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