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Watching ProSieben online: How it works

Even the established cable stations have long recognized that digital content is the future. Accordingly, the changeover has been consistent and as one of the largest German broadcasters, ProSieben offers a good solution. So you can watch certain shows in the livestream directly on the website.

ProSieben offers both the current program and recordings online.

How to watch ProSieben online

Television without a cable connection (or satellite) is on the rise. That's also because broadcasters like ProSieben are following suit. On the one hand, there are special providers through which you can access the programming of various stations, including ProSieben. On the other hand, the stations themselves also offer entire episodes for streaming.
  • In the browser, you can find online access directly at ProSieben.de. To do this, you must register to receive the free 7Pass. With this, you can also watch the offerings of the other stations of the ProSiebenSAT.1 station group, for example Kabel eins, ProSieben MAXX and SAT.1.
  • For mobile devices with Android and iOS, there are the appropriate apps.
  • On the Smart TV, you can also download an app and then watch the program live. Simply open the search function in the menu and search for "ProSieben" or "7TV".
  • Providers, such as Zattoo, also allow you to access ProSieben content online. Usually you need a Premium or Ultimate account. However, these are subject to a fee.
So no device is left out. In times of dwindling cable connections, online availability is in the own interest of broadcasters like ProSieben. So nothing will change in the future, even if one day paid models are conceivable.

By McHenry Mimic

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