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E-Scooter: So viel Promille dürfen Sie maximal haben

When you are driving, you must not drink alcohol, otherwise high penalties await you. Therefore, your blood alcohol level must not exceed certain limits. You also have to pay attention to various rules when driving an e-scooter. Because here, too, a certain per mille limit applies.

This is the maximum blood alcohol level you are allowed to have when driving an e-scooter

Riding an e-scooter is becoming increasingly popular, especially in major German cities. Due to numerous providers of rental scooters, it is not necessary to buy your own vehicle. The rented vehicles usually already have a general operating license, so you don't have to worry about that. However, requirements are also placed on the driver, such as driving under the influence of alcohol.
  1. Driving under the influence of alcohol is, as with other vehicles, only allowed up to a certain limit.
  2. The same alcohol limits that apply to car drivers also apply.
  3. To drive at 0.5 and 1.09 per mille, even if no alcohol-related conspicuousness occurs, is an administrative offense. This results in a fine, which can cost up to 500 euros. Also a month driving ban and two points in Flensburg are possible.
  4. If you have 1.1 promille and more in the blood and still drive the e-scooter, then it is even a criminal offense. Haben Sie bereits bei 0,3 Promille alkoholbedingte Ausfälle, ist auch hier schon von einer Straftat die Rede.
  5. Das Fahren eines E-Scooters ist bereits ab 14 Jahren erlaubt. Sind Sie unter 21 Jahren oder haben Sie gerade Ihren Führerschein gemacht, dann gilt auch hier eine 0,0 Promillegrenze.

By Thynne

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