HOME > Streaming > Amazon Prime Instant Video Hangs All The Time - Here's How To Fix It

Amazon Prime Instant Video hangs all the time - here's how to fix it

The Instant Video service lets you stream various series and movies. The streaming works through the internet. If the video hangs, you should therefore first check your Internet connection.

Why does Amazon Prime Instant Video hang?

A stream works like a normal download. That is, data is continuously downloaded in the background. The only difference is that this data is only stored temporarily. This reduces the download size. This is because only the most important data needs to be stored temporarily. The rest is completed by the client, such as Amazon Prime Instant Video in this case.If this works smoothly, you can watch the movie. If you have Internet problems, then this process stalls and the stream hangs. In this case, you should check if there are not too many subscribers taking up your Internet or if there are Internet glitches, if any. There can also often be problems due to walls that are too thick or other interference factors, should you use WLAN.

How can you fix Amazon Prime Instant Video?

  1. First, check your Internet connection and see if you have a constant Internet connection with each device. Nutzen Sie dafür die App auf anderen Devices.
  2. Sehen Sie zu, dass Ihr Router nicht all zu weit von Ihrem Gerät entfernt ist. Durch zu dicke Wände kann es zu Störungen kommen.
  3. Haben Sie auch auf anderen Geräten kein oder nur langsames Internet, sollten Sie Ihren Router neustarten.
  4. Es kann ebenfalls helfen, die App oder den Browser neu zu starten, um Probleme mit Instant Video zu beheben.

By Chinua Kineard

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