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Amazon Prime Video: Is account sharing possible - and allowed?

Account sharing is a thorny issue that has dominated the streaming era from the beginning. After all, Amazon has now also given in and sent a clear signal. We explain what it looks like.

For the whole family - and more? Account sharing is possible and common at Prime Video.

While there has always been the option at Netflix to create multiple profiles and thus practically legitimize account sharing, this was not possible at Amazon for a long time.

Amazon Prime Video: Account sharing with multiple profiles possible

Amazon users were all the more surprised in the summer of 2020 when they discovered a new feature when logging in:
  • The creation of multiple profiles has been possible since then - in addition to the main user, five other profiles can exist. We have already explained the details in more detail in this guide.
  • In addition, three streams can now run simultaneously on the same account, provided it is not the same content. Previously, only two streams were allowed.
With these changes, Amazon gives the green light, so to speak, for account sharing on a larger scale. Dies haben viele Millionen Nutzer zwar auch vorher schon betrieben, dank der verschiedenen Profile gelingt die Organisation jetzt allerdings wesentlich besser.

By Hotchkiss Mitschelen

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