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Calculate Fortnite account value - how to find out

In the game Fortnite, you can buy various things with real money, so the value of your account also increases with each purchase. If you now want to find out how much money you have already invested and what the value of your account is, then there is a trick or two for this.

How to calculate your Fortnite account value

To reliably calculate the value of your Fortnite account, you have several options to choose from. On the one hand, you can calculate the value of the purchased V-Bucks and skins, on the other hand, you can also consult special calculators that directly include your game score and level.The first option is, as already mentioned, adding up your V-Bucks and skins. For a rough calculation, simply apply the following values:
  • A legendary skin is calculated at 2000 V-Bucks.
  • An epic skin usually costs 1500 V-Bucks.
  • A rare skin is usually estimated at 1200 V-Bucks.
  • For an uncommon skin beat about 800 V-Bucks to account.
  • In addition, you should also include other items such as gliders and emotes, as well as the fact that some skins are no longer available in the store and therefore have a different value.
Another alternative are special calculators. For example, there is the "Fortnite Account Value Calculator", which you can take advantage of at playerauctions.com. Dort wird nicht nur der Wert Ihrer Skins mit einberechnet, auch Spielzeit, Edition und Level spielen eine wichtige Rolle.

By Orlan Lineberry

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