What is alg.exe? An overview
If you have discovered a file named alg.exe on your Windows computer, there is no need to worry. The file is part of the operating system and poses no threat to your computer. What the alg.exe file is used for by Windows, we will show you here.
This is what the alg.exe file
The alg.exe process, also known as Application Layer Gateway Service, is a service that is part of the Windows operating system. By default, this can be found in the Windows system folder under "C:\Windows\System32" and is considered to be harmless. The gateway service is needed whenever you use a third-party firewall on your PC or when you share your computer's Internet connection. Since alg.exe is a service that is necessary for establishing an Internet connection, you should not disable it. If you do so anyway, you will lose all Internet connections until the next computer restart.alg.exe: Terminate the process in case of problems
Even though the alg.exe process is needed to access the Internet, there are cases when disabling the process makes sense. If your computer keeps experiencing problems with the Internet connection or if the process causes your computer to be very slow, you have two options to fix the problem.- Open the task manager of your Windows PC by pressing the key combination of "Ctrl" + "Alt + "Del", look for the entry "alg.exe“ und schalten Sie den Prozess dort aus, indem Sie auf „Task beenden“ klicken.
- Alternativ können Sie die Aktivierung des Dienstes beim Start von Windows aus verhindern, indem Sie „services.msc“ im Ausführen-Dialog eingeben und im Reiter „Systemstart“ den Haken bei „alg.exe“ entfernen.