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atieclxx.exe - this means the process

If you call the Windows task manager, you get an overview of all currently running processes. If the process with the name atieclxx.exe appears there, it is usually a program from AMD. But what is it all about?

All information about atieclxx.exe at a glance

Aticlxx.exe is a service that is responsible for controlling ATI or AMD graphics cards. The process usually appears when you have AMD Catalyst software installed on your computer and is accordingly harmless.
  • You can usually find the file using Windows Explorer in the directory: C:\Windows\System32.
  • If your system does not have an AMD graphics card installed, it may also be malware or a virus.
  • In this case, scan your computer with appropriate security software to rule out that it is malware.

Uninstall AMD Catalyst - this is how it works

If you want to remove AMD Catalyst from your system, you must uninstall the software via the Windows settings. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Use the key combination [Windows] and [i] to access the System Preferences.
  2. Click on "Apps" in the overview.
  3. Wählen Sie in der Liste der installierten Anwendungen entweder „ATI Catalyst Install Manager“ oder „AMD External Events Client Module“ aus.
  4. Klicken Sie auf „Deinstallieren“, um die Anwendung von Ihrem Rechner zu entfernen.

By Karame Bieri

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