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Avira Luke Filewalker - what the process means

If the process "Luke Filewalker" appears in Task Manager, it is not malware, but part of Avira's protection software. Find out here what Luke Filewalker's task is and how to end the process.

Avira: All information about Luke Filewalker in the overview

Luke Filewalker is the virus scan engine of the protection software from Avira. The name of the process is a tribute to Luke Skywalker from Star Wars. The task of Luke Filewalker is to scan your computer for viruses, malware and other threats. By default, the process runs in the background to monitor and protect your system.Luke Filewalker cannot normally be deactivated without completely removing the Avira protection software from your system. However, you can adjust the times for the automatic system scans or turn the scans off completely via the settings. If you have disabled the automatic system scans, you should run the scans manually on a regular basis. Follow these steps to manually scan your system with Avira protection software:
  1. Open the Avira Antivirus user interface. Das klappt beispielsweise über das Symbol in der Taskleiste, das Startmenü oder die Desktop-Verknüpfung.
  2. Klicken Sie links in der Navigation auf „Prüfen“ und anschließend auf „Vollständige Prüfung“.
  3. Starten Sie den Scan, indem Sie auf „Prüfung durchführen“ klicken.
Achten Sie außerdem darauf, Avira Antivirus regelmäßig upzudaten. Das ist unter anderem deshalb wichtig, um immer die aktuellen Virendatenbanken zu haben.

By Thora Caballero

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