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Overwatch: All Heroes - an overview

In Overwatch you fight in a team against other players. Before and during the game, each player can choose a hero with which to enter the battle. For example, choose between a defensive hero or a supporter.

Overwatch: Defensive Heroes

Although each hero is completely different, they are categorized. There are defensive and offensive heroes, tanks and supporters.
  1. Torbjörn builds guns that he can improve during battle.
  2. Bastion is a robot that can change shape and thus act aggressively or defensively.
  3. Hanzo is a ranged fighter extra class and can not be hit easily.
  4. Widowmaker is in the back row and acts as an extreme ranged fighter.
  5. Mei uses her equipment to slow down opponents and protect themselves.
  6. Junkrat shoots explosive projectiles from afar.

Overwatch: Supporter

  1. Lúcio can either speed up or heal the team.
  2. Zenyatta uses his spheres to heal allies or give them more damage.
  3. Symmetra uses towers and portals to defend and transport the team.
  4. Ana schießt mit heilenden Projektilen auf Verbündete.
  5. Moira kann sowohl Schaden zufügen als auch gleichzeitig Verbündete heilen.
  6. Brigitte schützt mit Ihrem Körper und gibt dem Team Rüstung.
  7. Mercy fliegt umher und heilt einzelne Verbündete sehr stark.
Insgesamt gibt es genau 27 Helden, die derzeit in Overwatch spielbar sind. Neben dem bereits aufgelisteten sind sechs weitere Tanks und acht offensive Helden spielbar.

By Adelpho

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