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PS3 controller to PS4 - is that possible?

The PS4 is a console from Sony. It is a stationary console that was released in Europe on November 29, 2013. As with all PlayStation consoles, a new controller has been developed for the fourth generation PS. But is it possible to use the controllers of the predecessor as well?

Can you use PS3 controllers with PS4?

The PlayStation 4 is one of the most popular stationary consoles. Moreover, you have the choice between numerous games for the device. Some of them are exclusive games that were only released for the PS4. These include GT Sport, Concrete Genie, inFamous: Second Son or Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, for example. As with all PlayStation consoles, a new controller was also developed for the fourth PS generation. If you want to use a controller from the PlayStation 3, then this is not possible directly.
  1. You cannot use a PS3 controller with the PS4 by default. So you can't just connect it via USB cable or Bluetooth.
  2. Nevertheless, there is a way to use the PS3 controller. For this you need a programmable converter. On the Internet, you can already find special instructions on how to set it up.
  3. You can already buy ready-made converters for connecting the controllers, but you must make sure that they are intended for PS3 to PS4. Anschließend wird dieser zwischen die Verbindung von Controller und Konsole angeschlossen.

By Lourdes Aboshihata

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