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Monster Hunter World: Defeat Alatreon - Tips & Info

With Alatreon, Capcom brought a more than challenging opponent into the game shortly before the grand finale of Monster Hunter World Iceborne. If you cut your teeth on the element specialist, our tips will help.

Use elements correctly: Alatreon's stages are absolutely crucial.

With Iceborne, the already successful game reached whole new heights. With monsters like Alatreon, there is still plenty to keep you busy.

Monster Hunter World: How to go into battle against Alatreon

Alatreon is sensitive to elemental damage, though not constant at that, which already makes preparing for battle tricky. This is especially true since you cannot travel to camp via Farcaster.
  • Alatreon alternates between three phases: Fire, Ice, and Dragon.
  • Alatreon's elemental weakness depends on his phase. In the fire phase he must be dealt with ice, in the ice phase with fire. Consequently, ideally you should use a weapon that is capable of both types of damage. The Light Bow Rifle from the Lunastra Tree is very popular for this.
  • Only in the Dragon Phase can you break Alatreon's horns, which is recommended.
  • It is imperative to do enough elemental damage before Alatreon unpacks his Ultimate. Only then can this namely survive or be counter-healed.
  • Alatreon's attacks also change depending on the phase and are very dangerous in all cases. Here it is necessary to recognize the patterns to be able to dodge. Whether electricity, fire or ice, many attacks cover a wider range, requiring timing and movement.
Once you have internalized the flow of the battle, it is really only a matter of time before you defeat Alatreon. The learning curve is quite steep and even if the fight seems extremely difficult during the first attempts, the progress is clearly visible after a short time.

By Aaberg

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