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Bloodborne: Cleric Beast - how to defeat it

An enemy that appears to you at the very beginning of Bloodborne is the Cleric Beast. To defeat the beast, you need to know its strengths and weaknesses and choose the right weapons for the fight. How to succeed in the fight against the Cleric Beast, you can read here.

Bloodborne: What is the Cleric Beast

The Cleric Beast is a boss opponent in the game Bloodborne. You will encounter this boss early in the game when you cross the bridge in Yharnam. To defeat the Cleric Beast, it's important to know its most important characteristics. For example, it has 2,100 health points. One of the beast's special strengths is that it has a long range. However, this enemy is particularly vulnerable on the head, legs and right arm and is sensitive to fire.

Cleric Beast: How to defeat the enemy in Bloodborne

To fight the Cleric Beast, head to the long bridge in the center of Yharnam. There you must first pass two werewolves and a troll before the cleric beast appears.
  1. To succeed in the fight against the cleric beast, make sure you have a sufficient distance to the monster.
  2. Since the cleric beast is sensitive to fire, use either oil urns or Molotov cocktails as weapons.
  3. Zielen Sie dann mit Hilfe der Lock-Funktion zunächst auf den Kopf der Bestie und feuern Sie erst die Ölurne und dann den Molotowcocktail ab.
  4. Ist die Kleriker-Bestie hierdurch zu Boden gegangen, drücken Sie die R1-Taste, um die Bestie zu vernichten.
  5. Waren Sie erfolgreich, erhalten Sie das Schwert-Jägerzeichen sowie 4.000 Blutechos als Belohnung.

By Maegan Quist

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