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Samsung Galaxy S10: Display Repair

The current smartphones have high-quality touchscreen displays, which are equipped with a lot of sensor technology. This is precisely why it is difficult to replace them independently when the screen on your smartphone is broken. A repair by a professional is usually necessary, but can be very expensive.

What to expect during a display repair of your Samsung Galaxy S10

The display of a Samsung Galaxy S10 has numerous sensors with which it is possible to recognize and implement your inputs. This is precisely why repairing the display is difficult, and in most cases, the entire display has to be replaced. This process is difficult to do yourself, as you might cause even more damage.
  1. If you want to repair the display of your Samsung Galaxy S10, you can have this done directly by Samsung. The manufacturer's Smart Repair Service will cover the costs if your device is still covered by the manufacturer's warranty.
  2. If you are not sure whether the warranty still applies to you, you can find out via Samsung support.
  3. For display damage, the service offers a repair at a fixed price. Bei einem Samsung Galaxy S10 Display Schaden verläuft sich der Reparatur-Preis auf rund 200 Euro.
  4. Alternativ können Sie einen anderen Reparatur-Dienst beauftragen, doch auch hier liegen die Kosten in dieser Preisklasse oder höher, da bereits der neue Bildschirm teuer in der Anschaffung ist.

By Filippo Guaman

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