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Pokémon Tekken: Unlock battle arenas explained in detail

Unlock more battle arenas in Pokémon Tekken to add more variety to the game. Each arena is specially designed and has as its theme, for example, a different season or time of day. In order to exist in the arenas, it makes sense to also unlock the various helper Pokémon in parallel.

Battle arenas: These are available in Pokémon Tekken from the start

There are a total of 19 different battle arenas in Pokémon Tekken, some of which you have to unlock first, as they are not available from the start. These arenas are available to you immediately:
  1. Training Arena
  2. Ferrum Station
  3. Old City in Ferrum
  4. Ferrum Dojo
  5. Neos City
  6. Telluria
  7. Grebbit-Land
  8. Volcano Phos

You'll have to fight your way to these battle arenas

The rest of the battle arenas are available to you in "Pokémon Tekken" (Link: (Link: https://www.computerbild.de/videos/cbs-News-Switch-Gamescom-Pok-mon-Tekken-DX-angespielt-18796907.html) once you have advanced the corresponding league:
  1. Advancement to the blue league: thus you unlock the arenas "Ghost House", "Old Town in Ferrum in Winter" as well as "Telluria in Autumn".
  2. Aufstieg in die rote Liga: Schaffen Sie den Aufstieg, dürfen Sie fortan in den Arenen „Karpador-Fest“, „Neos-City bei Nacht“ und in „Geisterkarneval“ Ihr Können zeigen.
  3. Sieg in der Chroma-Liga: Schließen Sie die Chroma-Liga erfolgreich ab, stehen Ihnen mit „Blaue Kuppel“, „Regi-Ruinen“, „Drachennest“, Schattenkolosseum“ sowie „Schattenkolosseum im Final-Design“ gleich die fünf letzten Arenen zur Verfügung.

By Pembroke Giltner

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