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Samsung Note 10: Change battery - increase performance

Although you are certainly also aware that it is important for the lifetime of a battery that you discharge it completely, this tip is not always carried out in everyday life. Many manufacturers are also aware of this, which is why you can change the battery. We'll show you how it works on your Samsung Note 10.

How to change Samsung Note 10 battery

Decreased battery performance makes your device not as helpful as you need it to be. Therefore, changing the battery can be a good alternative to buying a new one.
  1. Turn off the device and wait a few seconds to allow it to fully discharge.
  2. Gently warm the back cover with a hair dryer and carefully remove the glass. The glass should feel warm to the touch, but not hot.
  3. To avoid damage, work in small steps.
  4. Before you lift off the glass completely, you need to disconnect the cable that connects the fingerprint sensor to the phone.
  5. Now loosen the Phillips screw and remove the antenna.
  6. Carefully disconnect the battery contact from the motherboard and remove the old battery.
  7. Nachdem Sie alle Klebereste entfernt haben, müssen Sie die Trägerfolie des neuen Akkus abnehmen und ihn einsetzen.
  8. Befestigen Sie alle Teile in umgekehrter Reihenfolge und starten Sie Ihr Smartphone wie gewohnt.

Nicht am falschen Ende sparen

Wenn Sie sich diese Reparatur nicht zutrauen, sollten Sie den Akku Ihres Samsung-Smartphones lieber von fachkundigen Händen tauschen lassen. Das kostet durchschnittlich etwa 150 Euro.

By Chere

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