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What kind of browser do I have? How to find out

When asked which browser is currently in use, many users quickly get confused. The reason for this is that not all users are familiar with the term browser, and especially not that there are several browsers and there are significant differences between the programs.

What kind of browser do I have? Here's how it looks

Unfortunately, on various operating systems and platforms, you can find out pretty quickly which browser you are using. This is simply because a browser is already pre-installed.
  1. Should you own a Windows computer, you will use the Microsoft Edge browser by default. In older Windows versions, this browser was still called Microsoft Explorer.
  2. On an iOS device, the browser Safari is installed by default.
  3. On Linux, you will find in most cases the software Opera or even the Dolphin browser.
  4. On Android devices, you will usually find an app under the name "Browser". These are different browsers. Je nachdem, wie alt oder neu Ihr Gerät ist.
  5. Außerdem können diese Browser nicht auf einem Windows-PC installiert werden und sind namentlich auch nicht weiter bekannt.

Das sind mögliche Alternativen zu Ihrem Browser

  1. Meistens wechseln Nutzer nach der Einrichtung Ihres Windows-PC schnell den vorinstallierten Browser Microsoft Edge.
  2. Grund dafür ist, dass Edge zu den langsamsten Browsern überhaupt gehört hat.
  3. Für gewöhnlich fällt die Wahl beim neuen Browser auf Google Chrome oder Mozilla Firefox.

By Dorsman Cater

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