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EVERSPACE 2: Early Access launched - all info at a glance

The beginning of the new gaming year has a clear winner and this is called EVERSPACE 2 - and that despite Early Access. Our guide summarizes all the information about the chart-topper on Steam.

Cosmic start: EVERSPACE 2 became a direct top hit.

Only a few games manage to attack the top of the Steam ranking. EVERSPACE 2 celebrates with it around an impressive surprise success.

Everspace 2: Early Access offers action and role-playing elements

The gameplay of EVERSPACE 2 was already known before:
  • It is a space game, but with strong Loot Shooter and role-playing elements.
  • Consequently, it is crisp and action-packed - compared to other space games, EVERSPACE 2 does not overwhelm with unmanageable complexity.
  • The game deliberately does not want to be a simulation, but an entertaining, motivating space adventure.
  • With these characteristics, the Early Access version, which launched on January 18, 2021, could make a rocket start on Steam.
According to developer ROCKFISH Games, the game still needs a while until completion, however, a release is still possible in 2021. Da der bisherige Status schon sehr gut spielbar ist, dürfen Weltraum-Fans schon jetzt gerne zugreifen, und zwar zum Preis von 37,99 Euro.

By Gauntlett

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