Linux on the iPhone - is that possible?
Using an iPhone together with a Linux PC is often problematic. Therefore, many Linux users would like to install and use the free operating system on the iPhone as well. Whether the change of the operating system on the iPhone works, we explain in this article.
All information about the possibility to use Linux on the iPhone
Apple uses iOS as operating system on the iPhone and actually does not allow access to the operating system. Developers have now managed to install and use Linux on the iPhone via detours, however. Exact information about how this works and whether it will be possible for all iPhone users to use Linux in the future, however, is not yet available.Instead of iPhone: How to use Linux on an Android device
While the use of the popular operating system Linux on the iPhone and other Apple devices is not yet possible, this looks different for Android users. Here there are even several options to install Linux on the device.- The easiest and even without root access is the use of Linux on Android via app.
- For this you can use the app "Debian noroot". Simply install it on your Android device and wait until the typical Linux desktop appears.
- Alternatively, Linux use is also possible with the help of the two apps GNU Root Debian and XServerXDSL, which are available for free in the Play Store.
- Then start XServer XDSL first and then GNURoot Debian, perform a system update and install the other required software with the command "apt-get install lxde pulseaudio synaptic".
- Once you have made the settings for graphics and audio output, the LXDE desktop should appear in the XServer XSDL app.