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Monster Hunter World: Find a sleeping bag

To find a sleeping bag in Monster Hunter World, there is only one way. Search for the monster Radobaan and try to defeat it to get the sleeping bag as a reward. You can find out what to look for in the fight here.

How to find a sleeping bag in Monster Hunter World

There is no way to make a sleeping bag yourself in Monster Hunter World. Instead, it can only be found in the Valley of Decay by the monster Radobaan.
  1. The Sleep Bag is one of the rewards you will receive if you fight Radobaan and defeat him.
  2. Since there are other rewards besides the Sleep Bag for successfully fighting Radobaan, it is not certain that you will actually receive the Sleep Bag.
  3. While the chance of getting the Radobaan armor and the Radobaan scale as a reward is four stars out of five, the chance of getting the sleeping bag is only three stars.
  4. Other rewards available for fighting Radobaan are the Radobaan oil armor, the Radobaan spinal cord and a monster bone. Their drop rate here is also three stars.

Find sleeping bags: Tips for the fight in Monster Hunter World

Before you get the sleeping bag as a possible reward in Monster Hunter World, it is necessary to defeat Radobaan. The best way to do this is to hit Radobaan at its weak points, the head, the upper jaw and the front legs. To do this, use a hammer or swords like the Energy Blade or the Double Blade. By using the swords, you can also try to cut off Radobaan's tail to weaken the monster.

By Loredo

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