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Pokémon Let's Go: Evolve Pokémon

In Pokémon Let's Go, Pokémon evolve automatically when you reach the necessary level. In order to level up the Pokémon, they need to be trained. However, there are some exceptions as well as the so-called Mega evolutions.

How to evolve Pokémon in Pokémon Let's Go

In the Nintendo game Pokémons Let's Go, Pokémons can evolve on their own. To do so, they must be trained and thus advance level by level. However, a few exceptions apply to certain Pokémon. One of these is the popular Pokémon Evoli. This has a special position in many Pokémon games. In addition, Pokémon Let's Go has special Mega evolutions that were previously unknown in other games. The Mega evolutions are specifically for battles.

Mega evolutions

  1. A Mega evolution is always only valid for one battle.
  2. You need a Mega and a key stone for it.
  3. You can activate the Mega evolution only during the battle.
  4. There are different Mega stones for 15 different evolutions.

The exceptions

  1. You can develop the Pokémon Georok, Kadabra and Maschock only if you got them through a swap.
  2. Um Evoli zu entwickeln, benötigen Sie spezielle Steine: Ein Donnerstein entwickelt Evoli zu Blitza, ein Wasserstein macht es zu Aquana und mit einem Feuerstein wird aus Evoli Flamara.
  3. Pikachu kann gar nicht entwickelt werden.

By Rafi

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