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Best survival games at a glance: Well-known examples

The survival genre is trending strongly in video games. Whether as a shooter or with role-playing elements, the fascination for survival under difficult conditions is unbroken. In this guide, we therefore show you a selection of the currently best and most popular survival games.

Trivial task: Survival games focus on survival.

The best survival games: Across all themes and ages

Survival games are partly, but not always exclusively, playable online. There, however, the true charm unfolds.Chronologically, there is a clear timeline in the survival genre:
  • The beginning was made years ago Minecraft with its incredibly simple, yet complex gameplay.
  • It was followed by the zombie games Rust, DayZ and 7 Days to Die, which still have a large community today. 7 Days to Die thereby establishes the perfect connection to Minecraft, since you also have the possibility to change the game world here.
  • With ARK: Survival Evolved it went in a new direction - and in a very distant age. The dino hunt with construction elements thrilled millions of players.
  • Then came the great hour of the battle royale genre, in which Fortnite and PUBG are fighting for the lead.
  • Last appeared with Conan Exiles, an MMO with deep role-playing and construction elements. The title relies on a barbarian setting and entices hundreds of hours of play.
  • Survival games are now also increasingly available in virtual reality variants. Games that support this include Subnautica and The Forest.
As different as the basic ideas of these games are (just like the implementation), the concept behind them is similar: Each player starts with nothing and has to make the best of it. As a look at the online scene shows, the survival genre is probably the most important segment of all at the moment, and that should ensure a lot of replenishment.

By Ilise

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