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Microsoft Teams: Dial in by phone

Microsoft Teams is designed to help you communicate with each other inside and outside your organization. This includes participating in video conferences and meetings. For this purpose, the application provides various options on how you can join one.

How to join Microsoft Teams

With Microsoft Teams, you can join a meeting by, for example, following a link, using the chat function or dialing in via a channel. The calendar is also available to you for this purpose. However, if you do not have the option of using these alternatives, then you can also dial in via the phone. In this case, it works both via the desktop version and via mobile devices.
  • In the desktop version of Microsoft Teams, you do this by going to your calendar, which is located on the left side of the application. Then select the meeting you want to dial into. In the details of the meeting, you will find a phone number for it, which you now have to dial in order to participate in the conference by phone.
  • You also have the option to dial into the meeting via your smartphone. To do this, tap on the respective meeting or the meeting note. Then select "Show details". Nun sehen Sie eine Telefonnummer, mit der Sie sich nun über Festnetz oder direkt über Ihr Smartphone einwählen können, um der Besprechung beizutreten.

By Margo Montour

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