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Microsoft Teams: managing contacts - here's how

In Microsoft Teams, you have many options for working together as a team, inside or outside the company. In addition, other options are also available to you. For example, you can hold meetings and video conferences.

How to manage your contacts in Microsoft Teams

In Microsoft Teams, you can both view and edit your contacts. At the same time, you can also add new contacts and delete others, so you always have an accurate overview. To help you manage your contacts, you will find them staggered by A to Z and you can select them accordingly to chat with them or start a video call. The participants for any video conferences can also be selected accordingly.
  1. If you want to view your contacts in Microsoft Teams, then navigate first to "Calls" and then to "Contacts".
  2. After that, click on "My Contacts".
  3. There you will see all your contacts, where they are subdivided by A to Z.
  4. In addition, you can search for specific contacts using the search bar located at the top.
  5. Möchten Sie hingegen einen neuen Kontakt hinzufügen, dann klicken Sie auf „Kontakt hinzufügen“, was Ihnen oben in der Leiste angezeigt wird.
  6. Wechseln Sie zu den „empfohlenen Kontakten“, dann sehen Sie vordefinierte Kontaktgruppen, so etwa „Vorgeschlagen“ und „Kurzwahl“.
  7. Möchten Sie nun jemanden zu Ihrer Kurzwahl hinzufügen, dann selektieren Sie oben „Zu Kurzwahl hinzufügen“.

By Dumah

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