HOME > Online Shopping > Wish: Browse Without Registering - Here's How

Wish: Browse without registering - here's how

The shopping platform Wish advertises a wide range of products at very low prices. However, Wish not only requires you to have an account to order, but also to search for products in advance. How you still browse without logging in, we show you here.

How to browse Wish without signing in

If you are looking for bargains while shopping online, you will find a great selection at Wish. Using Wish is usually only possible if you have previously created an account on the shopping portal's site. If you can still access the home page without an account, the login window appears as soon as you search for products or click on something. Since this cannot be simply clicked away, you can only browse Wish via a detour without logging in.
  1. To use Wish without logging in, please first open the page in the Chrome browser and make a right-click at any point.
  2. Select the option "Examine" in the context menu that opens or press the key combination of "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "I".
  3. Then move the mouse over the displayed entries until the upper image area is highlighted in blue and look for a <div> with the text "BaseModal_PlainBackDrop".
  4. Click with the right mouse button on the corresponding line and select "Delete item" so that the login window is no longer displayed.

Browse without logging in: Create an account at Wish

Have you found something you want to buy while browsing on Wish, you absolutely need an account for this. To create one, you can either log in with your email address or use an existing Google or Facebook account

By Ribaudo

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