Minecraft: All the info on sleep - with tips and specifics
In the survival genre, many facets of reality are simulated. Minecraft is among the most popular games in this subject and even thinks about a healthy sleep. We explain everything you need to know on the subject.
Option, not obligation: in Minecraft you can sleep at night, but only if you want to.
Depending on the activity and project, Minecraft also lets you make good use of the night. However, this is not always the case and then you can just sleep.Minecraft: Sleep to speed up time
First, the most important thing: to sleep you need a bed. To build it, you need three units of wooden boards and three units of wool in the same color.- You can only go to sleep during the night or a thunderstorm.
- When your character lies down in bed, the screen darkens and time passes until the next morning or the end of the thunderstorm. You can cancel this at any time if necessary.
- The character's status is not affected by sleep; HP count, hunger, and other stats do not change.
- In addition, beds are spawn points.