Too Good To Go: How to cancel an order
Normally, most boxes at Too Good To Go sell out quickly - making them all the more desirable. However, if you want to cancel an order, that's also possible. We show how.
A question of timing: cancellation at Too Good To Go depends on the time of day.
The Too Good To Go app is finding more and more users in Germany. The option to cancel is very practical just in case.Too Good To Go: Pay attention to timing when canceling
Too Good To Go naturally thrives on relatively short-term processes. This also affects the possibility of cancellation: This is because it is only possible up to three hours before the pickup time. If this is the case, proceed as follows:- Open the receipt of the order you want to cancel in the app.
- Select "Cancel order" there.
- Optionally, you then specify the reason for your cancellation. However, this is not mandatory.
- Then you finally finish the process with "Cancel order".