HOME > Kitchen > Eating Pumpkin With Its Skin On: What To Consider

Eating pumpkin with its skin on: What to consider

Pumpkins, when prepared optimally, can be a delicious vegetable for various soups or even as a side dish. However, peeling and scooping out a pumpkin is a lot of work. Various pumpkin varieties can be eaten without peel without hesitation, however, and thus even contribute to the flavor.

Eating Pumpkin with Skin: The Butternut squash

This type of pumpkin is just as suitable for eating with the peel, in addition to the Hokkaido pumpkin, and should only be cooked until soft beforehand.
  1. The Butternut squash is a particularly hard variety, which means that the time in the cooking pot or in the oven increases somewhat, as it is otherwise not soft enough.
  2. The pumpkin is particularly suitable for dishes such as oven vegetables or a pumpkin soup, as these have a long preparation time anyway and thus easily meet the optimal consumption point of the pumpkin.
  3. If you trust your teeth enough bite force, the pumpkin can also be eaten in the raw state without any problems.

The Hokkaido pumpkin: This can also be eaten with skin

  1. The classic among the pumpkins is equally the most versatile.
  2. Sie können diesen Kürbis problemlos mit Schale genießen, und dieser Umstand wird sogar von vielen Köchen empfohlen.
  3. Die Schale ist weich genug, sodass sie auch beim Kochen relativ schnell weich wird und dadurch ihr Aroma gut entfalten kann.
  4. Lassen Sie sich beim Kauf dieses Kürbisses nicht von seinem Äußeren Erscheinungsbild stören. Oft hat er kleine Macken oder Auswuchtungen, die jedoch nicht weiter schlimm sind.

By Dragone Halse

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