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Word: Using grammar checking - how it works

Word provides you with several ways to find errors. This includes grammar as well as spelling. Our guide shows you how grammar checking works.

Digital head teacher: the grammar checker helps you fine-tune your language in Word.

The grammar checker is an important tool for finding and fixing linguistic blunders. Since it can work automatically, you don't have to do much.

How to use the grammar checker in Word

If the grammar checker is active, it automatically highlights affected words after they are written. However, you can also start the check specifically:
  1. Open the "Check" tab in the Word menu.
  2. Click the "Spelling and Grammar" button at the top far left. This is marked with a large check mark.
The check is completed shortly thereafter and suspicious words appear as highlighted. Note that Word is not completely error-free here, because the program can not always infer the context, which may lead to incorrectly detected errors.A manual check is therefore always advisable before you proceed to the correction.

By Milon

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