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Amazon Student: How to cancel your subscription

Amazon provides you with numerous items from a wide range of categories. If you enter into an Amazon Prime membership, you also have access to all Prime content. For students, Prime even has special conditions. But what is the best way to cancel your Amazon Student subscription?

How to cancel your Amazon Student membership

If you're a student, you can get a Prime Student membership for free for the first twelve months. If you want to keep the subscription afterwards, it will cost you as a student 3.99 euros per month or 34 euros per year. However, if you do not want to continue the membership, you should cancel it in good time. As a rule, you will receive an email three days before the renewal, which informs you about the subscription renewal.
  1. First go to the Amazon website and log in there with your account data.
  2. After that, click on "My Account" and switch to the "Prime" category.
  3. Now you can see when the subscription is automatically renewed.
  4. However, if you want to cancel the membership, you must click on the button "Cancel membership".
  5. About "Waive benefits" you confirm the cancellation. The subscription will then be canceled at the time when this should usually be renewed. Until then, you will continue to have access to all Prime features and benefits.
  6. If you only have the "Cancel Now" selection available, the subscription will be canceled directly and you may receive a refund of your subscription.

By Tecu Woznicki

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