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Delete Shpock - how to get rid of the account

Deleting your account on Shpock is necessary when you no longer want to use the platform to sell. How to proceed correctly for account deletion, we show you here. You can also read how to delete individual sales ads from the platform again.

How to delete your account on Shpock

If you no longer want to use Shpock to sell things you no longer use, you can easily delete your account. However, deleting your account is not possible directly online via the website or in the app. Instead, it is necessary that you send a message to Shpock customer service for account deletion.
  1. For this purpose, use the email address "[email protected]" and ask for the deletion of your account in it.
  2. Be sure to mention your email address with which you are registered at Shpock in the email and also state your username.
  3. Optionally, you can specify in the email a reason why you ask for the deletion of your account.

Shpock: With these instructions delete your ads

To delete only individual ads that you have posted on the sales platform instead of your entire account, please open the Shpock app and go to "My Shpock". There, tap on "Sell" and select the ad you want to delete. Then tap the menu button in the top right corner and select the "Delete Product" option. Once you confirm the deletion of the ad by selecting "Submit", it will be automatically removed from Shpock.

By Aggri

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