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Epic Games: Transfer account to new account

With an Epic Games account, you can purchase games from the Epic Games Store and download them from your library at any time. If you have another Epic account on another device, such as the PS4 or XBox One, you can transfer all the content in it to your main account.

How do you transfer an Epic Games account to a new account?

If you have a secondary account or multiple other accounts, you can transfer all of the content to a main account. This process can take up to two weeks and cannot be done on a locked account.
  1. First, log in to the Epic Games website with your main account. To do this, click "Sign-In" in the top right corner and enter your email address and password.
  2. Now log in with your secondary account on the same website. Now all the possessions will be transferred from one account to the other. This process can take up to two weeks.
  3. If after two weeks at the latest still nothing has happened, it is advisable that you contact support.
  4. Make sure that no Marketplace items, "Save the World" progress and Battle Passes are transferred along.
  5. A transformation only works for an account that has been upgraded to an Epic Games account. In most cases, this has happened automatically. To check if your account is now an Epic Games account, just try logging into the Epic Games site.

By Winou Egger

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