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Pivot: Shift - usable key combinations

Excel provides you with all the functions and tools to create your own pivot tables. The basic data can come from separate tables in the same workbook or other external sources. With the right keyboard shortcuts, it is also possible to quickly make changes to the table.

How to use the "Shift" key in pivot tables

Pivot tables in Excel can be used to display various information. The so-called crosstab offers diverse information in the columns, while the rows consist of various aggregations. To edit a pivot table, you can use Excel's built-in functions. If you want to change the table in a few steps, you can use various key combinations. Especially the Shift key is often used.
  1. If you want to select the entire table, press "CTRL" + "A".
  2. To group table entries, the combination "ALT" + "SHIFT" + "(" can help.
  3. If you want to ungroup, then press the same combination only with an inverted arrow "(".
  4. You can deselect a table value with "CTRL" + "-". Einen Dialog erstellen Sie mit der Kombination „ALT“ + „I“ + „V“.
  5. Zudem können Sie weitere Funktionalitäten freischalten, indem Sie die „Shift“-Taste gedrückt halten und gleichzeitig mit der linken Maustaste auf etwas klicken. Mit diesem sogenannten „Shift“-Click lassen sich beispielsweise untergeordnete Elemente anzeigen.

By Katleen

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