Football Manager 2021: How to play with original logos
Unfortunately, Football Manager 2021 does not have all the original licenses either. Thanks to the community, there are nevertheless ways to enjoy the game with the real logos. Our guide lists the options.
No license? No problem: Original logos can be inserted with a few clicks afterwards.
A realistic game feeling is an important concern for many FM fans. Original logos are hardly dispensable for this.Football Manager 2021: Download and install original logos
First you need a so-called Logo Pack. Here you have the choice between different packages, which were created by capable FM players. The most famous name is the TCM Pack, which was already a reference for Football Manager 2020. An overview of the available logo packs can be found here, for example.- Download the desired pack.
- Open the folder "Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2021/".
- Create the folder "graphics" there and there again the subfolder "logos". Both folders are usually not present by default.
- Unzip the downloaded logo pack in "logos".