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Origin Big O: All the info on the ultimate battlestation

Origin PC is based in the US and has made a name for itself making custom PCs. With the new Origin Big O, an impressive feasibility study is relaunched. This makes it possible to put together a computer that also includes consoles.

The Origin Big O encapsulates gaming dreams in a complete package.

Origin Big O: PlayStation, Xbox, Switch and PC under one roof

The Origin Big O is housed in a strikingly large case. This size has good reasons:
  • In Origin Big O, four gaming platforms are combined at once: PlayStation 4 Pro, Xbox One X, Nintendo Switch and an extremely potent PC.
  • The consoles were disassembled so that their components could then be installed in the case to fit.
  • The Switch was thereby installed behind the front flap.
  • For lack of optical drives, the console games can only be purchased digitally.
  • A high-quality water cooling system is almost mandatory in such a project, just like strong LED colors. The inner workings are fully visible thanks to the large window.
  • The specs of the integrated PC read as follows: Intel Core i9-9900K, GeForce Titan RTX, 64 GB RAM, 4 TB SSD storage as well as 14 TB HDD storage.
  • A 1,000 watt power supply ensures that the high-end construct has enough power available at all times.
Meanwhile, you can also customize your own Big O on the website. Dabei können Sie zwischen verschiedenen Grundmodellen des PCs auswählen. Als Konsole können Sie allerdings nur eine wählen, die anschließend in den Computer integriert wird.

By Pomcroy

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